Friday, May 06, 2005

Where's the outrage?

Just to continue on my current theme on British "smoking guns," damning secret memos, and why-doesn't-America-care?, here's Salon's Joe Conason on the issue (reprinted in - scroll down to the second article):
    Are Americans so jaded about the deceptions perpetrated by our own government to lead us into war in Iraq that we are no longer interested in fresh and damning evidence of those lies? Or are the editors and producers who oversee the American news industry simply too timid to report that proof on the evening broadcasts and front pages? There is a "smoking memo" that confirms the worst assumptions about the Bush administration's Iraq policy, but although that memo generated huge pre-election headlines in Britain, its existence has hardly been mentioned here.

Much as I like Diane Rehm, I think she should reflect on her dismissal of the caller on today's show who brought up essentially the same point.


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