Sunday, July 10, 2005

Live 8 gets do-over on VH1/MTV

While Britain has already moved tragically on from the fun and optimism of last weekend's Live 8 and the winning Olympic bid to the horror of the London terrorist bombings, VH1 and MTV have decided they need a do-over on Live 8. "Having been hammered for its chopped-up coverage of last week's Live 8 concerts," the Viacom-owned channels "will air 10 hours of commercial-free footage from Live 8 on Saturday (July 9) - essentially admitting that they made a mistake with live coverage the first time around." As one report has it, "The networks have been roundly criticized this week for frequently cutting away from the stage in the middle of a song and larding the broadcast with backstage bits and talky segments about Live 8's stated purpose to raise awareness of global poverty."


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